There are a lot of new bands out there in the u.k and not everyone gets the chance to go and see them live and learn more
about them so we try to let you know a bit about these bands. we got in touch with Simon from Second Out and he sent us this
bit of information about the band.
Seconds Out is- Kev-Vocals
Seconds Out formed in late 2003 and played their first show in liverpool in late february. members used to be in bands
such as The Last Chance, In The Clear and Area Effect. Kev and Shaun are also in The Down And Outs-a street punk band who
will be releasing a record on Daed and Gone records. Seconds Out main influences are hard and aggressive hardcore bands like
Judge, The Cro-Mags, Right Brigade, early Youth Of Today and SSD.
'If you really want to destroy, then you are straight all the time and you get it done. other wise you're just talking
shit!' -Henry Rollins
Check out our review of the Seconds Out in the review section.