This Equal Visions records ad was for- Fear Before The March Of Flames-Odd How People Shake cd, Silent Drive-Love Is Worth
It cd and Time In Malta-Alone With The Alone cd.

These ads were from Facedown records/Strike First records and they were for- Comeback Kid-Turn It Around cd (Facedown), In
Due Time-Back To Basics cd (Strike First), Trauma-Solidarity cd ep (Strike First), Hanover Saints-Blood,Guts And Glory cd
ep (Strike First) and Bloodlined Calligraphy-The Begging Of The End cd ep (Strike First).

This ad is from Engineer records. the writting at the bottom of the ad is most of the Engineer back catalouge but the main
ad is for- Joshua-Baggage cd ep, Rydell-Hard On The Trail cd (both were reviewed for the zine) and Babies Three-The Luzhin
Defence cd.